Ovzon è coinvolta in un’importante iniziativa incentrata sulle future tecnologie di comunicazione mobile.

Ovzon participates in major initiative on future mobile communication solutions (Image Credit: Sat News)

Ovzon, together with a range of other leading companies, authorities, and organizations, will participate in a major initiative focusing on mobile communication solutions expected to be in use during the 2030s.
The Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) is investing 60 MSEK in the project SMART 6GSAT (Sustainable Mobile Autonomous and Resilient 6G SatCom), with KTH as the coordinator and project leader.
The aim is to integrate traditional land-based mobile communication with satellite communication in 6G. The vision is for mobile communication services to be seamlessly accessible to anyone with a 6G device, anywhere and anytime.
In addition to Ovzon, the industry consortium includes companies such as Ericsson, Saab, Swedish Space Corporation (SSC), Eutelsat-OneWeb, Airbus, and Viasat, as well as authorities such as the Swedish Post and Telecom Authority (PTS) and the European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association (EISCAT).